I love you for this.
I love you for this.
I love you for loving me for this
your sick...
seriously what????
have some respect
although i didn't like it to much...
i just blammed the last so many and feel i should protect one to remain neutral
Thanks for voting, AltCtrlDel!
Your experience points gave you a voting power of 4.90 votes. Your blam and protection points gave you an additional 8% of your experience power, meaning that your total vote power was worth 5.29 votes!
Thanks so much it means alot to me that this gets protected and you are the who did it along with maxyboy
it was a joke about a burnt pie... wasn't anything to special..
but u liked it didn't you ^^
i wanted to laugh...
but i couldn't tell if this was a joke or for real... what is on your mind!
Again if you read its intro, it was made as part of a joke war. It is only a joke, and it is also a parody of the songs music video which can be found at www.gunthernet.com
vell don
simply another amazing flash brought to us by the rcc.
Great job ^_^
Stick figures still own clocks!
Stick Defenders!
oh its on !
Stick Defenders !!
w w w . newgrounds . c om/portal/view/261759
p.s. nice flash ^_^
btw, I dont hate sticks, its just a movie.
and I made a stick movie,
Its called "The SpaceShip Battle"
It seemed like it was missing somthing... as if we were looking at still pictures sortof being animatied. And the warrior never got to attack... i was looking forward to what he would do after he charged and it flashed to the cut off head. I think it'd be better if you had the guy who won the duel actually show off a little of his fighting skill... or any of his fighting skill. Good flash keep it up.
FOR U, i WILL finish the movie...
. . .
i didn't like how you used the white out effect to change from scene to scene, it was just too repetitive. though if thats your style then all means do it. Im sure it would of taken a while drawl it out anyways. Then monk killing himself caught me way off guard... that was crazy.
Now it's not my style i was just too lazy to draw it all out.. but what do you mean about crazy? :P crazy like crazy or crazy like WTF?
i <3 uoo
Age 38, Male
Optician, Army Res.
Dayton, Ohio
Joined on 6/8/05